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Take a chance on someone….this week.

Take a chance on someone….this week.

23 years ago, this week, someone took a chance on me, offering me my first professional job on a help desk, supporting UNIX and mainframe systems, and tracking my work on a Windows 3.1 desktop with Lotus Notes. At that time, I couldn’t spell UNIX, nor had any clue what a Lotus Note was. But, someone took a chance on me, and I’m forever grateful.

Fast forward to 2006, I had worked in IT, software and web development, and some experience in professional services…not much in the InfoSec space. Someone took a chance on me again, hiring me to kick-start professional services of a start-up InfoSec product company. I remember starting the job thinking, “What is compliance?”

I’m thankful to those who took chances on me, and always looking for a chance to pay it forward. #infosec #cso #leadership

Link to initial LinkedIn post