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Reflection after Twenty Two Years

This month marks the completion of my twenty-second professional year in the technology industry. From days of system/network/IT work, in the worlds of AS400, UNIX, Novell, Windows NT, and Domino; moving into software development in Notes, Java, web; and into the human facing roles of technical professional services / consulting / training. All that before I dove head first into Information Security 12 years ago & never looked back.

Now, entering year 23, I look back on a career that was never a predetermined path. A kid with little direction, poor grades, initially flunked out of college, introverted & self-conscious; really only good at delivering newspapers, playing the drums, and finding ways to edit/break software on Atari floppy disks. I am fortunate for where my career has taken me, & thankful to the people I’ve met along the way; many who have helped guide me in a path of positivity & prosperity, where several alternative paths would have been easier to take.

I have ideas where the future will take me, but I’ll have to continue on this ride to see where it goes from here.

Thanks to family, friends & colleagues along the way, who have either joined me on this ride, hopped on for a stop or two, or just pointed in a direction that looked interesting enough to explore.